Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Where to begin...

With all of that said, I may as well dedicate myself to a real post. I was sitting here, wondering what I possibly cared enough to write about, and it came to me.
I'm an angry little feminist.
I know. Gasp. Here comes the feminazis! Demanding equal rights while invading Poland!
Why am I a feminist?
For all the same reasons that I am a gay rights advocate. For all the same reasons that I am sex positive. For all the same reasons I'm a 'leftwing nutjob'. (Don't worry, my Aunt says, I was a liberal in college too.)
I believe all people are equal. I know. Crazy thought.
Now, where do I get on my high horse about feminism?
(Oh, god, it's a sex blog.)
Maybe I should wait a little to make a blog like this one. Maybe it's a bit 'controversial'. And maybe some things just need to be said.
This is not a sex blog. Why? Because I believe we should leave all of that at home.
(But Jocelyn, don't we already?)
I'm glad you asked. No, we don't. Our culture is obsessed with sex. Who's having it where with who in what way? Heaven forbid that the answer to any of those questions be outside of the cultural norms.
In my opinion- big deal! Who cares if Jessica Simpson saved her virginity for her husband? Who cares if Paris Hilton has 'too much'? Who cares if Lindsay Lohan currently prefers the company of women? Big deal.  What's it matter?
Maybe, just maybe, it's time we started focusing a little more on the person, than on the people in their bed.

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